Current Solution: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities

Strengths of Current Solution

  1. Git and GitHub provides a platform for teachers to concurrently author the content, and have all changes versioned.
  2. GitHub and ReadTheDocs works perfectly together to continously push the latest content available to the learners.
  3. GitHub and ReadTheDocs are free, such that there is no cost of hosting and no server to be maintained.

Weaknesses of Current Solution

  1. GitHub and ReadTheDocs can only host static content, which limits the interactivity of the course. As a programming class it is ideal to allow students editing and running programming quiz without leaving the course. Existing in-browser solutions are either lack of 3rd party libraries support, or requires running and maintaining expensive servers, which are not ideal to be plugged into the our current solution.
  2. The current solution is web-based, and is inheriently less responsive than mobile app.

Opportunities to Improve Current Soution

  1. Build a mobile learning app which synchronize static content from GitHub / ReadTheDocs, and run programming quizzes inside mobile device.
  2. With Python and Kivy is possible to build a Python programming environment like this Android app. As the program is executed inside an Android phone, we can preload the 3rd libraries required, and the program can be run natively in an Android phone without a need of any expensive server.

With these opportunies, let’s foucs on the requirements of our mobile learning app.