What Is And Why PrototypingΒΆ

Prototpying is a way to build a partially completed / functional software product, aiming at getting user feedback as soon as possible, a well as addressing risk as early as possible.

By this nature, a successful protyping should be:

  1. Delivering something visual and presentable to end user, in order to gain their feedback. Ideally, the coreuser experience and interactivity should be in-scope as early as possible.
  2. Addressing key risks as early as possible. One possible way to achieve this is by focusing on build a functional code for the risky parts and leaving the less risky parts to be imcompleted / to be polished later.
  3. Becuase we are only choosing some key features and user experiences to be prototyped, it is possible that direction can be changed. Therefore, to reduce the cost of prototyping, the supporting tools must be easy and felxible enough.

As we can see in the next page, MIT App Inventor is a great tool for building functional and interactive Mobile App quickly. Before we start building a full feldged version of our mobile app, let’s get started by prototyping one quickly.