What Values Does MIT App Inventor Bring into Our Prototype?ΒΆ

For our context of building our prototype, MIT App Inventors provides the following features which fits our need perfectly to build our prototype.

  1. Easy to setup: Visit here to start building the UI by drag-and-drop within the web browser.
  2. Instant feedback: Install AI2 Companion from Google Play store to try the app instantly while you build the protoype, therefore speeding up the feedback cycle.
  3. Connectivity to GitHub: One of the key feature of our mobile app is the ability ot sync up content instantly from GitHub, as well as ability to navigate among pages of these course contents as a graph of interconnected documents. App Inventor has built-in Web connectivity which allows us to download the course content as source file from GitHub and to extract contents / links from it accordingly. This way we can address the feasibility of synchronizing from GitHub as early as possible.