Working with Pycharm IDE, Git, and Kivy

What is Pycharm

Pycharm is a Python Integrated Development Environemnt which streamlines your development, testing, debugging, and version control experience. Altnhough you can watch this Pycharm IDE Video Tutorial to see how Pycharm can help you, let’s again get the hand dirty by working out the following tutorial :)

Launching Pycharm

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Run the following command.

Pycharm IDE: Look and Feel


Your usual PyCharm setup would look like this. In short, you have a list of files in your project on the left hand side, and opened files on the right hand side. You may create / edit Python code and auto-code completion would happen like other IDEs. Alternatively, you can press CTRL-SPACE to force auto-code completion dialog to be shown if it doesn’t.

Sometimes, you may typed some code which cause compilation error. For insance, you are using a class but forget to import it into your source. Then you may try pressing ALT-ENTER and Pycharm would attempt fixing this for you.

Sometimes, you would like to override a function which has been defined in the base class. You may press ALT-INSERT to help you choosing the function which you want to override. Pycharm will then fill in the function signature for you.